“Launch of BRICS Agricultural Research Platform on August 27, 2021”
BRICS-ARP as the natural global platform for science-led agriculture based sustainable development for addressing the issues of world hunger, under nutrition, poverty and inequality, particularly between farmers and non-farmers income, and enhancing agricultural trade, bio-security and climate resilient agriculture.
To promote sustainable agricultural development and poverty alleviation through strategic cooperation in agriculture to provide food security in the BRICS member countries.
To intensify cooperation in the areas of agricultural research, technology policy, innovations and capacity building including technologies for smallholder farming and to sustainably increase yields and farmers income in the BRICS member.
To enhance understanding of common challenges and opportunities through exchange of knowledge, collaborative capacity building, exchange of professionals and development of collaborative projects.
To act as a platform to provide inputs for developing policies, strategies and projects for sustainability and competitiveness of agricultural sector in the BRICS member countries.
To strengthen agricultural research and education to accelerate technology development and transfer through establishing networks’ on agriculture and allied disciplines, among agricultural research, higher education and extension institutions, professionals, policy planners and other stakeholders.
To facilitate collaborative studies, inter alia, on agricultural marketing and distribution systems, harmonization of agricultural related standards, promotion of agricultural trade, and bio-security, risks and disaster management in agriculture.
Mr. Giovanni Gabas Coelho
International Advisor, Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply
E-mail: giovanni.coelho@agricultura.gov.br
Dr. Bikas Mandal
Assistant Director General (Inernational Relations)
ICAR, Department of Agricultural Research & Education, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare of the Republic of India
Ms. Tatiana Volodko
Head of the International Organizations, Division of the Department of International Cooperation and Agricultural Export Development of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation
E-mail: t.volodko@mcx.gov.ru
Yufeng Ren
Agricultural Information Institute of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences [CAAS]
E-mail: renyufeng@caas.cn
South Africa
Gloria Mokgava
Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development
E-mail: gloriahm@dalrrd.gov.za
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